If you have any questions about 1:1 coaching, programs or you would like to submit a testimonial. Please add your message below and I will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
Yes, I need this
Change the way you think and feel on a subconscious level. These 1:1 coaching sessions help you identify where you're limiting yourself and not living up to your true potential. You will learn how to overcome those big obstacles in your life. Transforming your beliefs, habits and behaviours with subconscious reprogramming, self-regulation practices and guidance that will move you towards great change.
Yes, I need this
Are you new to PSYCH-K? Have you fallen in love with it and completed all the workshops but still don't know how to create a business around it or how to find your unique flow when working with clients. This mentorship will help you gain the confidence to really find your flow when working with clients and understand how to create real, long-lasting change in their lives.
Yes, I need this
It's about time I started gathering in person and creating joy with like-minded women. I couldn't be more excited about what's to come this year. Whether you are joining for our Winter Retreat in July or wanting to try out our immersions starting in May. I have the most intentionally curated experiences waiting for you to dive into... These experiences have been created for you, the woman who needs a break from the chaos of life, to be held for a moment. This is time and space just for you.
Natalie, Abu Dhabi
Fan Hong, Stylist, London
Lina Noory, Influencer, LA
Ebony King, Senior Policy Officer, Australia
Private Client, LA