Thank you to everyone who has put their trust in me. It's such a dream to work with women all over the world and I hope you enjoy these testimonials as much as I have. If you've worked with me and want to add one, please do below. 


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love note from


Caroline day, ACTOR 

“Working with Alison has been an incredible gift. She brings such warmth and understanding to every session, and has a remarkable ability to intuitively guide you towards the areas that most need healing and growth. I would (and have) recommended her to anyone looking to dig deep and make real and lasting change in their lives. I consider myself very lucky to have her as both a teacher and a friend.”


"I came to Alison in pieces, on the heels of a high stakes, psychologically unsafe, cut-throat and publicly facing tech career. After the first three sessions I made peace with my previous role, launched a personal creative project that made 100k in revenue overnight and closed a 1.7M dollar investment seed round for a new company. Alison is uniquely gifted at making you feel at ease so you can enter a deep working relaxation to quickly re-frame several challenging triggers that might typically linger for several months or years. Whether it is navigating a challenging transition, managing massive abundance or digging deep into historic relational patterns, everyone can benefit from Alison's incredible gift in leading with Psych-K."


"From our initial consultation, I felt so cared for, seen and heard in Alison's presence. I was immediately drawn to her warmth and genuine heart-openness. Being new to Psych-K, I wasn’t sure what to expect or how it would “work”. Bringing light to my limiting belief systems was the first step of the healing process and Alison’s loving, yet unwavering, ability to bring me back to presence and point out the ways in which my ego was attempting to run the show, is what anchored in the shifts. Beyond the specifics of the work, our sessions overall felt like a portal of pure sunshine and always left me with a renewed outlook on life. After our package was complete, I felt empowered to take some natural next steps that felt more aligned than many I had taken previously because of this connection I had begun cultivating within myself on a deeper level. I highly recommend Alison’s guidance for anyone seeking to expand spiritually or professionally (as the two are so inextricably linked).”

Working with Alison was pure magic! I instantly felt comfortable and safe which made it so easy for me to be open and vulnerable. My sessions has made lasting changes in my life which I will be forever grateful to Allison for. I truly believe everyone can benefit from psych-k and cannot recommend her more! 




Written Testimonials 


"I am unsure whether I can put into words how incredibly grateful I am for my sessions with Alison, but here I go.... From the beginning of 2021 I found myself struggling with depression, unhealthy relational habits, and an almost complete inability to create and maintain boundaries. This was something I had never experienced (or seen to be as a problem) before. So in attempt to create change I turned to seeing clinical psychologists. Please note: I think clinical psychologists can be extremely helpful and healing… and was even amid a University degree to become one (although I am now changing my educational path to the study of psych-K). Although, I seemed to be leaving the sessions feeling heavy as if I had dredged up and explained old/current thoughts and emotions, but had not made any progress in processing them. My depression became deeper, and my toxic habits became stronger to the point I was having complete emotions breakdowns, dissociation from my body, and feeling suicidal. This is when my beautiful sister connected me with Alison. I had never heard of Psych-K before, but god has it changed my life. The sessions are structured so that you are firstly counselled, listened to, and therapised by Alison, followed by techniques designed to process and balance those ‘dredged up’ thoughts, feelings and emotions. These techniques are aimed at balancing the left and right hemispheres of the brain and processing energy through the body. Leaving Alison's sessions was the first realisation I had of the importance of what I now call the SECOND STEP of psychology, and that is (after realising the problem) actually processing and balancing it… which is exactly what Alison does. The combination of Alison's ginormous heart, grounded intuition, and knowledge of Psych-K has truely changed the way I see and deal with my world, relationships and self. I am so in love with life and excited to take on whatever comes my way next." 

Love Note From 


Written Testimonials 

Jade Devenish, India 

You will look forward to your sessions, you will laugh, you will cry from the depths of your soul, You will experience great lightness, You will open, You will fall deeply in love with her; and then you will miss her, for she is the Healer dressed in Best Friends Clothing. 
I think what makes Alison unique is her ability to have her feet rooted deeply into the Earth whilst simultaneously navigating the heights of infinite possibility. Her heart is located so far outside of her body that you have no choice but to be securely cloaked in her “I love you’s”. The level of trust that I developed so early on still blows my mind when I think about it. She didn’t earn it – she simply is, her embodiment of Trust means that you simply become it also.
My time with Alison has been so many things but the most powerful healing has happened subtlety. Subtle in the sense that it is profound healing that sneaks up on you. The work she does takes place at such a deep level that it simply becomes a part of your being. So one day you find yourself saying – ‘oh my god – this is actually who I am now, when did that happen?!’. The unfurling of Self is immense when held by someone like Alison and the only match for the magnitude of her heart would be my gratitude.


I worked with Alison over a handful of sessions and I can truly say that, PSYCH-K is so powerful it has made such a positive impact in my life. Alison is phenomenal! She is caring, gentle, intuitive and endlessly supportive- even checking in on me during the week to see how I’d be going.
We worked through a lot…we touched on limiting beliefs and transforming my mindset each session at a time. I gained so much clarity and learned a lot about myself and my potential. I feel like a new woman!
I am forever grateful to have crossed paths with you Alison, you play a big role in my journey and the incredible growth I’ve experienced. Thank you for sharing your gift with me!

Natalie, Abu Dhabi

Meeting Alison was such a blessing in my life. Not only did she help me turn my life around dramatically by being the greatest coach and mentor, but she is someone I now call a friend and family. Honestly, there are not enough words that can express how much I love and truly appreciate this woman. She took me from my darkest times to my brightest days and continues to do so. Her energy, her love, her guidance, her knowledge, and her humor have had a huge impact on my life. Best of all I fell in love with psych-k and no one does it better than Alison. I’ve transformed my beliefs, fears, and traumas with Alison’s psych-k coaching and haven’t looked back. I seriously hit the jackpot with the best coach/mentor ever.

Fan Hong, Stylist, London 

It was so beautiful going through this healing journey with you Alison. Thank you for helping me deal with life and restoring my faith in therapy (where previously it had only been bad experiences). 
I didn’t know what to expect going in, but each session has been different and so transformative. And I’ve learnt so much about myself, and what I need to work on. You’ve made working through trauma fun, which is a skill in itself. I just want to bathe in white light all the time now!

Lina Noory, Influencer, LA

Where do I even begin... when I first met Alison I was in one of the most difficult places of my life. At times I felt like I was drowning in fear and sadness, and I never understood the true meaning of self-love. At different points in your journey the universe will send you guides — beautiful souls who are there to guide you on your journey back to yourself. Not only did she hold space for me to feel and release the pain I was holding, but she also taught me how to hold space for others. She helped me peel back all the layers that had hardened me, and she was so incredibly patient and loving. I’ll forever be grateful to her as she was a crucial part or my growth and journey back to myself.

Ebony King, Senior Policy Officer, Australia

Alison is the most incredibly warm, gentle, loving, calm and kind woman who has had such a positive influence in my life. During one Yoga Nidra session in particular, I had a breakthrough that has really helped me work through some difficult experiences and move me onto a better path. The sessions felt like a delicious treat and the community of women a warm and supportive hug. Thank you Alison, you're an angel!

Private Client, LA

I would like to say that I've had one of the happiest days yesterday for a looooong time. I felt my brain is finally back in it's place. I struggled for years of loosing my brain power and it has really affected me. The past two days all sorts of miracles have happened both in work and my personal life. Nothing short of a magical course. I am very thankful! I am forever grateful Alison.

Client testimonials

Written Testimonials 


Maggie Georgiou,

“From the first moment that Alison and I talked, we both knew that the bumpy start could only mean a beautiful journey…and so it is! Alison gave me space to grow emotionally and uncovered traumas that I did not even know existed. Helped me consciously notice and let go of the “personas” that I wanted the world to portrait me as. Each Psych-K session took down the layers of the walls I have built over the years, in such a magical way that I automatically feel lighter and happier. Not one session is the same but always filled with laughter and uplifting energy! She helped me expand my thinking and to face and concur fears that creeped up during my adult years. She is an angel and her heart is so filled with love that you cannot help but magically transform in the best version of yourself!! I love you Ali-angel! May your kindness and free spirit always help heal the wounds of all in need of a lighter, healthier, happier and loving inside world! If you had any hesitation on contacting her, take these words as a strong guidance for your magical Psych-K journey!!!”

“Working with Alison has been life changing for me! I did 6 Psych-k sessions where we worked through so much, from family relationships, romantic relationships, limiting beliefs and even some habits of mine. Honestly, I wasn’t sure how effective it would be going in but wow am I glad I did it. It was like she helped me get out of my own way and let life flow on. It was definitely the best decision I made this year. And I gained such a beautiful friend in the process too! Can’t recommend her enough!!”

Natalie Abushakra,
Health Coach, Abu Dhabi 

Savanna, HEALER

"The shift after PSYCH-K was immense. Now revisiting some of those beliefs, I truly find non-attachment and soul freedom, wow! You are pure magic and I can't thank you enough for your work, your medicine, your complete beauty and your love. I love you so much and I'm honoured to walk this path with you!" 

"Ali has forever changed my life with her coaching, mentoring and through PSYCH-K. I truly encourage anyone that feels called to it to get in touch with her. Ali, thank you for the endless lauging fits, the tears you wiped, and the crown you fixed. I love you always and forever." 

 When I first started working with Alison, I was in a dark and heavy place. (Trying to hide it from others of course. So trying to shine on the outside but crumbing on this inside. More and more, every day.) I was doing my best to feel good, focus on the positive, keep going, be patient, be still and listen. But at the same time, it felt like I always had this black cloud over my head, and it was so demanding to shine my light strong enough to cast it away. Every day was a challenge. And that’s hard because, if someone is into spiritual growth, cleansing, health, yoga, energy, high vibrations, etc, its me! 

 But I was torn between that person that I wanted to be, and who I knew I was, when I could be very aligned; and the person living inside of me, pulling me back all the times. It was actually how it felt, this ‘’person’’ inside, just wanting to sabotage, scream, be angry, cry, be the victim, eat crap food, hide under my blanket and watch movies all day…Every progress I seemed to be making, I was then pulled back by these ‘’claws’’, into the depressed zone. And it was just SO frustrating because I didn’t want to be like that person. I wanted to be and feel like ME. But who was I really? Was I just trying to be someone I'm not? Could I just accept that this is how it is, and ‘’let's go on with it’’? I had and still do have such wonderful things in my life. For some people, my life could seem like a miracle! But I felt just so crappy inside, I was never really able to feel grateful for it, nor sustain that feeling when I got to it. I was able to get to that place after meditating for 20 mins, doing tapping and then yoga! ;p (haha) but that would fade away after a while. It was such a marathon to feel good. It was definitely not a natural thing. 

 And I attended 4 Tony Robbins seminars, did 2 yoga trainings, attended Landmark, I had several coaches, I was into physical cleansing, detox, colonics, I have crystals all over our apartment, I wear my energy beads, I cleanse them, I sage! Hahaha Sometimes it felt like being a fraud. And that was so hard on me. And I became so hard on myself in return. I was judging myself all the time. Judging others. Poor me, screw them sort of thing. I have a beautiful gorgeous daughter and I felt like a bad mother to her. Even though that isn’t true. I just felt like I wasn’t the role model I wanted to be for her. I also have the world’s greatest husband and supporter, and I was just so secretly angry at him all the time. For no real reason.. I was just constantly triggered. I was angry at him because our relationship wasn’t what I wanted it to be. I wanted more flow, more growth, more passion, more love, more respect, more, more, more. I was actually waiting for the outside to make me feel better on the inside. And that is so much responsibility to put on someone, and life in general. 

 If there is one thing that I knew was that I wanted to change. I saw my behavior and even though I didn’t understand it all, all the time, I was aware that my doing and acting, wasn’t how I wanted to be. And that was my grace. Because I was aware that I needed to change. No one else, but ME. I didn’t know what Psych-K was, but I just knew it was for me. And, although I've done so many things to try and ‘’change my life’’, this time it was more ME, taking responsibility, to change. Not expecting ‘’her’’, to change me. But, seeking the way to get me there, myself. 

Through her picture, I just saw her light and this part of me just went; ‘’ Ah! This is what I want. That’s how I want to glow, to be, to feel. This person seems so aligned and in her truth. SHE is my mentor.’’ I was still in the ‘’wanting’’ energy, but I also just knew it would happen somehow. 
 So we started working together and after the 1st session I felt such a relief over an issue that had been so heavy on my life. 

 We had 11 sessions together. It went by like a soft breeze. I was initially very scared, must I say terrified, to go back to my ‘’old self’’, without her weekly support, but, I haven’t. As a matter of fact, even though there are still things I wish to work on, the difference in how I feel now, compared to before, is so wild. Not In an ‘’I feel high’’ sort of way, like how you feel after 6 days straight of a Tony Robbins seminar, but more in the subtlety of things. I don’t feel overly happy, I just feel good. I feel more balanced. I feel at ease. At peace. And also, it’s not fading. It’s just there. It just feels like my new normal. Nothing I have to work to get to. I just wake up that way. And that is the most refreshing thing. I feel like things don’t affect me like before. I feel inspired, motivated, organized. I can achieve so many more things in my day, almost effortlessly. I am trusting in the universe. Whatever happens, is for the best. And I used to want to believe that, but I would very often fall into the ‘’why me’’ mentality and get SO depressed over things. Engaging in a negative circle that would over cast my life. Now, I actually AM trusting. And see and feel that there is no other way to live if we want to feel happy and aligned. I feel supported, seen, guided. As of, before, wanting to be supported, asking god every please please please guide me! I don’t have to ask anymore, I just know I am. And I get to be thankful for this. 

 I don’t beat myself up over things like I used to do. I am able to just go with it. And yes, some things still upset me and push me out of alignment, but, I am able to bounce back so much quicker. I feel blessed and I truly cannot wait to work with her again to evolve even more! <3 

 I am expecting another baby and I couldn’t feel more ready for this new adventure. I could feel stressed and overwhelmed, for many reasons, but I see that we are just going to be fine. And even more greater things are coming. We are simply in the process. It’s all coming. And I can say this, believing it this time.  

 Thank you Alison. For your light, for your love, for your special glasses that made you see me like the person that I truly am and becoming. Thank you for inspiring me and making me feel like I belong. 
I love you. Thank you. <3 
I love you. Thank you. <3 
I love you. Thank you. <3 


Private Client, AUSTRALIA

“I wanted to drop you a little note to say thank you for my last session. Life changed dramatically from that point onwards. I’m pregnant with my third child now and have nearly finished my meditation qualification. Dreaming and planning a move out the city. Whilst it’s been a challenging time in the world I am feeling very grateful for what I have.” 

Private Client, MALTA

"You've set me free my dearest! I will always be one of your miracles who's life changed within 24hrs!! and it's been a snowball of amazing things happening since." 

Private Client, LA

Alison is such a bright light and helped me transmute so many stuck emotions that were holding me back. Our sessions are always fun and fascinating but mostly, transformative. I’m so grateful for finding Alison and this life-changing modality. She’s an emotional alchemist.

Private Client, Sydney

“Thank you for your generosity in facilitating a longer session with me! You are a very calming, kind, open and genuine. I feel very comfortable to open up to you in our sessions you are very personable and relatable and feel not just like a facilitator but a friend, like you really have my back and believe in my healing journey! I appreciate you and the space you hold, I’m so grateful for your knowledge and help.”

Private Client, PARIS 

“I’m still resting in the magic from today's sessions - these balances & your angel voice always guide me back to Truth. What a gift you are. Excited to create the remaining action steps & to witness the magic unfold.” 

Here's what people are saying

Written Testimonials 

Jo Hanlon,
Business Coach, AUSTRALIA

"As soon as I met Ali I was drawn to her as a person, for her warmth, humour, wonderful energy and the pure love vibes that she gives out to one and all it seems. I’m a coach myself and as we know, coaches also need coaches at times. I’m pretty fussy about who I will work with, so when I was in need of someone to help fast-track me through some personal barriers I kept coming up against, she was my first thought. Working with Ali through the first 3 Psych-K sessions (online even!!) had a number of immediate impacts, so much so that my husband asked me what had happened and how. I felt happier and less burdened as Ali helped me sort through some personal grief and hangups that I’d not yet dealt with at that time, yes yet another onion layer or 2 to shed… and we got all that done along with many belly laughs, much reduced stress and shifting of energy blocks as well as shedding a few tears. I felt safe and supported at all times and was quickly able to trust her completely with my “stuff”.A total of 6 sessions has had me progress further on my way to being freer, happier and lighter in myself – body, heart and soul.

Thanks Ali, you are a true miracle worker as well as such great company!! Love back to you!"


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There are so many things in this life that make my heart skip a beat. But if I can only share a few things it's this..... I am a complete and total lover of nature and living quietly. I deeply adore my connections in life, both friends and family who fill my cup up daily. My pooch is my bestest friend and I am in a beautiful marriage that constantly shines the light on where I need to dig deep, let go and evolve. I have experienced a lot in my short time on this earth and it's what has built me into the woman I am proud to be today. I love my life and I'm so immensely grateful for each and every day I get to wake up and take a breath. Remember, each day we wake up is a true blessing and through this gift we have the opportunity for great change!

Mind Enthusiast, PSYCH-K® aficionado, & lover of life!